
How to Make the Citation of this Document using the INPE Standard (BibINPE Format)

VERGARA, O. R.; KURKDJIAN, M. L. N. O.; D'ALGE, J. C. L.; PEREIRA, M. N. Geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto para atualização de cartas topográficas. In: SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE PERCEPCION REMOTA, 9., 2000, Puerto Iguazu, AR. (missing or empty field: 'booktitle') 2000. (INPE-8035-PRE/3853). Available from: <>.

How to Make the In-Text Citation (by author/year)

... as proposed by Vergara et al. (2000).
... may be found in the literature (VERGARA et al., 2000).
